Start making money with the Azaseo affiliate program

How it works:
  • Once you register with us, you’ll get the following affiliate links to promote Azaseo Services:
    - Azaseo homepage referral link
    - Custom URL for the specific website (
  • You will get commission % on every sale made by someone you′ve invited. See the table below “Your profit percentage from generated sales"
What is the best way to promote Azaseo?
The most effective ways to promote Azaseo Services are:
  • Writing promo articles on your blog
  • Posting ads on forums
  • Sharing direct links with your customers, friends, coworkers
Your profit percentage from generated sales
Product Percent to a partner
Order Rebill
Analytics 10% 10%
AutoSEO 5% 5%
ProSEO 7% 7%
Explainer video 10% 10%
Web development 5% 5%

The payment for the following products is subscription based. It means that having generated the initial sale, you will receive a rebill percentage every month until the client cancels subscription.

AutoSEO ProSEO Analytics
Profit calculator for AutoSEO
Amount of orders 1st month trial Next months rebills AutoSEO
AutoSEO 300 4.455.000 vnd 175.500.000 vnd /mo
Your password
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