Refund policy

If you are not completely satisfied with our product, please contact us to solve that problem in a comfortable and friendly way. We do not refund any reason for payment. This is an Auto SEO infrastructure that we have developed link links for you. These are not goods or items.

Please consider when paying for the service. If you get the wrong payment it is not our fault. If your payment account is hacked and paid into our service. We will not be fully responsible for that problem.

If you have a technical problem, you need to complete your payment information: name, transaction id, etc. and briefly explain why.

Consider when payment actions use the service. We do not accept any dispute related to your payment. Do not refund money no matter what reason we cannot accept. Please read the above. Do not pay if you do not agree.

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HỘ KINH DOANH CỬA HÀNG DỊCH VỤ THÚ CƯNG VINHOMES MST: 8588995225-001 ĐKKD số 01K8030068 Địa chỉ: Căn Shophouse S101 01SH05, khu đô thị mới Vinhomes Smartcity, Phường Tây Mỗ, Quận Nam Từ Liêm, Thành phố Hà Nội